Genitourinary Medicine and the STD Clinic in Singapore

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The branch of medicine that treats sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is called genitourinary medicine. A genitourinary medicine can also be known as a GUM clinic or an STD clinic. This is where you should go if you develop any symptoms of an STD, or if you believe you’ve been exposed to one.

What is genitourinary medicine? Genitourinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs. Some other diseases can have similar symptoms, so a doctor who specialises in this type of medicine must be able to diagnose problems like dermatitis and urinary tract infections that can mimic an STD. A doctor who specialises in genitourinary medicine also takes care of other issues related to sexual health, such as birth control and erectile dysfunction.

How do you tell if you have an STD? Your genitourinary medicine doctor can diagnose certain types of STDs based on the physical examination alone. Often, tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. This could include urine tests, blood tests, or tests on the discharge from the genitals or the fluid from a sore. It’s very common for people to make a mistaken self-diagnosis. Improper treatment or lack of treatment of an STD can lead to serious health consequences, which are avoidable with proper treatment. Make sure you visit a genitourinary medicine clinic to get the testing and treatment that you need to maintain your health.

Can STDs be treated? There is treatment available for most STDs. At an STD clinic, if you test positive for an STD, you can also get the treatment that you need there. This often involves medications. In some cases, an STD can be cured with a course of antibiotics. In other cases, medications may need to be taken for the long-term to protect your health. Your doctor at the STD clinic in Singapore will help you understand what treatment you need.

Where should you go for an STD? If you have any symptoms of an STD, you should visit an STD clinic as soon as possible. This may also be called a genitourinary medicine clinic, or a GUM clinic. Any of these names tell you that the clinic specialises in the care of STDs. The earlier you start treatment, the more likely it is that your long-term health can be protected. Your privacy will always be protected at an STD clinic in Singapore. If your partners need to be notified of your status, this will be done anonymously, without revealing your identity.

What if your partner has an STD? If you discover that a partner you’ve had sex with has an STD, you’ll need to get testing as soon as possible. In some cases, you may be informed that a sexual partner has tested positive by a healthcare worker. In other cases, your partner may tell you directly. Depending on the situation, you may want to be tested not only for that particular STD, but also for other STDs.


Mayo Clinic. “STD symptoms: Common STDs and their symptoms.” Mayo Clinic. Published 18 Mar 2015. Accessed 03 Jul 2016.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Published 25 Feb 2014. Accessed 03 Jul 2016.


Genitourinary medicine at Shim Clinic, Singapore